
User Guide

Duke is a task manager with a Graphical User Interface(GUI). Given below are instructions on how to use it.

1. Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.

  2. Download the latest duke.jar from here.

  3. Place duke.jar into an empty folder.

  4. Open duke.jar by running the command java -jar duke.jar. The Graphic User Interface(GUI) should appear in a few seconds. Note that a data folder would be created upon opening duke.jar file.

  5. Type the command in the text box and press Send to execute it. Some example commands you can try:
    • list: Lists all Tasks.
    • todo do assignment: Adds a ToDo task named do assignment.
    • event meeting /at 2020-09-20: Adds an Event task named project with the date on Sep 20 2020.
    • deadline project /by 2020-10-10: Adds a Deadline task named project with the time due on Oct 10 2020.
    • done 2: Marks the second task shown in the current list as done.
    • delete 3: Deletes the third task shown in the current list.
    • find meeting: Finds tasks that has a name that contains the word meeting and lists these tasks.
    • bye: exits the program.
  6. Refer to Features below for details of each command. Figure of Dodo
    Figure 1. Screenshot of Duke

2. Features

2.1 Adding a ToDo Task todo

Adds a ToDo task with its task name appended.

Format: todo TASK_NAME


2.2 Adding a Deadline Task deadline

Adds a Deadline task with its task name and time appended.

Format: deadline TASK_NAME /by YYYY-MM-DD


2.3 Adding an Event Task event

Adds an Event task with its task name and time appended.

Format: event TASK_NAME /at YYYY-MM-DD


2.4 Listing all tasks list

Shows a list of all tasks.

Format: list

2.5 Marking a task as done done

Marks the specified Task in the list as done.

Format: done INDEX


2.6 Deleting a task delete

Deletes the specified Task from the list.

Format: delete INDEX


2.7 Finding tasks that match a keyword find

Finds the tasks with their names matching the keyword and returns these tasks as a list.

Format: find KEYWORD


2.8 Saving the data

Duke’s data are saved in the data folder automatically after any user command that changes the data.

2.9 Exit the program bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

2.10 Displaying the help message help

Displays the help message, which is a list showing the valid formats of user commands.

Format: help

3. Usage

3.1 todo - Add a ToDo task

Creates a ToDo task when the user input is in the right format, namely todo TASK_NAME, and adds the task into the list.

Example of usage: todo play the violin

Expected outcome:

Noted! The task below is added into the list:
[T][✘] play the violin
There are 3 tasks in total in your list.

3.2 deadline - Add a Deadline task

Creates a Deadline task when the user input is in the right format, namely deadline TASK_NAME /by YYYY-MM-DD, and adds the task into the list.

Example of usage: deadline do homework /by 2020-09-26

Expected outcome:

Noted! The task below is added into the list:
[D][✘] do homework (by: Sep 26 2020)
There are 4 tasks in total in your list.

3.3 event - Add an Event task

Creates an Event task when the user input is in the right format, namely event TASK_NAME /at YYYY-MM-DD, and adds the task into the list.

Example of usage: event research workshop /at 2020-10-12

Expected outcome:

Noted! The task below is added into the list:
[E][✘] research workshop (at: Oct 12 2020)
There are 5 tasks in total in your list.

3.4 list - List all tasks

Displays the list of tasks saved by Duke.

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in the list:
1. [T][✘] play the violin
2. [D][✘] do homework (by: Sep 26 2020)
3. [E][✘] research workshop (at: Oct 12 2020)
4. [T][✓] draw the diagram
There are 4 tasks in total in your list.

3.5 done - Mark a task as done

Marks a specific task as done, when the user input is in the right format, namely done INDEX, INDEX being the index number of that task in the current list.

Example of usage: done 1

Expected outcome:

Great! The task below is marked as done:
   [T][✓] play the violin

3.6 delete - Delete a task

Deletes a specific task, when the user input is in the right format, namely delete INDEX, INDEX being the index number of that task in the current list.

Example of usage: delete 1

Expected outcome:

Okay. The task below is deleted from your list:
   [T][✓] play the violin
Now there are 3 tasks in total in your list.

3.7 find - Find tasks matching a keyword

Finds the tasks with names that matches the keyword, when the user input is in the right format, namely find KEYWORD, and returns a list consisting of these tasks.

Example of usage: find do

Expected outcome:

Here are the task or tasks that matches the keyword:
1. [D][✘] do homework (by: Sep 26 2020)

3.8 bye - Exit the program

The program will exit when the command bye is entered.

Example of usage: bye

Expected outcome:

Bye! I look forward to meeting you next time!

The program exits.

3.9 help - Display the help message

Displays the help message.

Example of usage: help

Expected outcome:

Hi, here is a list of commands that I can recognize:
1. 'todo TASK_NAME': this adds a ToDo task.
2. 'deadline TASK_NAME /by YYYY-MM-DD': this adds a Deadline task.
3. 'event TASK_NAME /at YYYY-MM-DD': this adds an Event task.
4. 'list': this lists all the tasks you have now.
5. 'done INDEX': this marks the task at the specified index as done. The index refers to 
the index number on the list.
6. 'delete INDEX': this deletes the task at the specified index. The index refers to the index number on 
the list.
7. 'find KEYWORD': this finds the tasks in the list that matches the keyword.
8. 'bye': exits the program.
9. 'help': this shows you the help message that lists the valid formats of the commands.

4. Command summary

Index Action Format, examples
1 Add a Todo task todo TASK_NAME, e.g.,todo do readings
2 Add a Deadline task deadline TASK_NAME /by YYYY-MM-DD, e.g., deadline finish report /by 2020-09-21
3 Add an Event task event TASK_NAME /at YYYY-MM-DD, e.g., event workshop /at 2020-09-23
4 List all tasks list
5 Mark a task as done done INDEX, e.g., done 3
6 Delete a task delete INDEX, e.g., delete 6
7 Find tasks matching the keyword find KEYWORD, e.g., find project
8 Exit bye

5. Acknowledgements

  1. Gradle Tutorial
  2. CheckStyle Tutorial
  3. JavaFX Tutorial
  4. Text UI Testing Tutorial
  5. Working with Jar files Tutorial